Nurse Shark


The Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) is a species of carpet shark known for its relatively docile nature and distinctive physical characteristics. Here are some key facts about nurse sharks:

Physical Characteristics

  • Size: They typically range from 7.5 to 9.75 feet (2.25 to 3 meters) in length but can grow up to 14 feet (4.3 meters).
  • Color: They have a brown to grayish-brown color which provides camouflage against the ocean floor.
  • Body Shape: Nurse sharks have a broad, flat head with small eyes and two barbels near their nostrils, which help them detect prey.


  • Range: Found in the warm, shallow waters of the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Oceans, including the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Environment: They prefer coral and rocky reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves, often resting on sandy bottoms or in crevices during the day.


  • Nocturnal: Nurse sharks are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night.
  • Feeding: Their diet consists mainly of fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They use their strong jaws to crush shellfish and can often be seen sucking food out of the sand.
  • Resting: Unlike many sharks, nurse sharks can rest motionless on the sea floor, often piling up on each other in groups.


  • Ovoviviparous: Nurse sharks are ovoviviparous, meaning the eggs hatch inside the female’s body, and she gives birth to live young. A litter can range from 20 to 30 pups.
  • Gestation: The gestation period is approximately six months.

Human Interaction

  • Docile Nature: Generally considered harmless to humans, nurse sharks are slow-moving and non-aggressive. However, they can bite in self-defense if provoked.
  • Ecotourism: They are often a highlight for divers and snorkelers due to their calm demeanor and tendency to rest in shallow waters.

Conservation Status

  • IUCN Status: Nurse sharks are listed as “Vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to habitat destruction, fishing pressure, and human disturbances.

Nurse sharks play an important role in their ecosystem, helping to maintain the balance of marine life. Their unique characteristics and generally calm nature make them fascinating subjects for marine biologists and ocean enthusiasts alike.

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