The School Shark

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The School Shark, or Galeorhinus galeus, is a species of shark found in temperate waters around the world. Here are some key points about the School Shark:


  • Shape: School Sharks have a slender, streamlined body with a pointed snout.
  • Color: They are typically gray to brownish-gray on top with a lighter underside.
  • Size: Adults can reach lengths of up to 1.6 meters (5.2 feet).


  • Range: School Sharks are found in temperate waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, usually close to continental shelves.
  • Depth: They inhabit waters from shallow coastal areas to depths of about 500 meters (1,640 feet).

Behavior and Diet

  • Schooling: True to their name, School Sharks are known to form large schools, especially during migration and feeding.
  • Feeding Habits: They primarily feed on fish, squid, and crustaceans, using their sharp teeth to grasp and consume prey.


  • Reproductive Strategy: School Sharks are ovoviviparous, meaning the embryos develop inside eggs within the mother’s body and she gives birth to live young.

Conservation Status

  • Status: The School Shark population has declined significantly due to overfishing, and they are currently listed as “Vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List. Conservation efforts are underway to manage their fisheries and protect their habitats.

Interaction with Humans

  • Fishing: School Sharks are commercially important and are targeted by fisheries for their meat, liver oil, and fins.
  • Bycatch: They are also caught unintentionally in various fisheries targeting other species.

Interesting Facts

  • Longevity: School Sharks have a relatively long lifespan, with some individuals living up to 25 years or more.
  • Role in Ecosystem: They play a vital role in marine ecosystems as mid-level predators, helping to maintain balance within fish populations.

Studying the School Shark helps scientists understand the impacts of fishing on marine ecosystems and informs conservation strategies aimed at ensuring their sustainable management and protection in the wild.

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