Cat shark

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“ปลาฉลามชนิด Cat shark” refers to several species of small, bottom-dwelling sharks belonging to the family Scyliorhinidae. Here are some key points about Cat sharks:


  • Size and Shape: Cat sharks are typically small to moderate in size, ranging from about 20 cm to 1 meter in length. They have elongated bodies with slender tails and cat-like eyes, which gives them their name.
  • Coloration: They often have patterns or coloration that help them blend in with their surroundings, such as mottled brown or gray.


  • Range: Cat sharks are found in various oceans around the world, primarily in temperate and tropical waters.
  • Habitat: They inhabit continental shelves and upper slopes, preferring rocky or coral reefs, but can also be found on sandy bottoms.

Behavior and Diet

  • Nocturnal: Many Cat sharks are nocturnal, becoming more active at night when they hunt for small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks.
  • Camouflage: Their coloration helps them camouflage against the seabed, offering protection from predators.


  • Egg-laying: Most Cat sharks are oviparous, laying eggs that are encased in tough, leathery egg cases known as “mermaid’s purses.” The embryos develop inside these cases until they hatch.

Conservation Status

  • Generally stable: Many Cat shark species are not heavily targeted by commercial fisheries and are not considered endangered. However, some populations may face localized threats from habitat degradation and incidental catch in fishing gear.

Interaction with Humans

  • Minimal threat: Cat sharks are harmless to humans and are not known to pose any significant danger. They are occasionally caught as bycatch in commercial fishing operations.

Interesting Facts

  • Variety of Species: There are over 160 species of Cat sharks, each with its own unique characteristics and adaptations.
  • Aquarium Species: Some smaller species of Cat sharks are popular in public aquariums due to their manageable size and interesting behaviors.

Studying Cat sharks helps us understand their natural history, behavior, and ecological roles in marine environments.

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